All Bills in the 2024 California Score
California’s 2024 Environmental Score reflects the state’s progress on climate and environmental policy through legislation, the budget, and actions by the Governor and administration. The score is based on 129 bills, 10 pro-environment actions, and two anti-environment actions. An additional +10% was added for the historic $10 billion climate bond (Proposition 4), which passed with 60% voter approval.
The following bills were used to determine the overall California score. The linked bills below were also used to determine legislators’ scores. For just that list, visit this page.
Bill | Final Result |
AB 99 (Connolly) Integrated Pest Management for State Roads and Highways | Vetoed |
AB 270 (Lee) Political Reform Act of 1974: Public Campaign Financing | Failed |
AB 460 (Bauer-Kahan) State Water Board Interim Relief | Signed into Law |
AB 544 (Bryan) County Jail Voting Pilot Program | Vetoed |
AB 593 (Haney) Statewide Building Decarbonization Plan | Failed |
AB 660 (Irwin) Food Expiration Date Labeling | Signed into Law |
AB 805 (Arambula) Sewer services for Disadvantaged Communities | Signed into Law |
AB 828 (Connolly) Managed Wetlands and Clean Drinking Protections | Vetoed |
AB 884 (Low) Expanded Language Accessibility in Elections | Vetoed |
AB 985 (Arambula) San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Credit Program | Failed |
AB 1176 (Zbur) Local Electrification Planning Act | Failed |
AB 1296 (Grayson) Bar Pilots: Regulation of Vessels | Vetoed |
AB 1550 (Bennett) Green Hydrogen | Failed |
AB 1798 (Papan) Contaminated Stormwater Runoff: The SALMON Act | Failed |
AB 1838 (Jackson) San Jacinto Wildlife Area | Failed |
AB 1851 (Holden) School Lead Testing Pilot Program | Failed |
AB 1857 (Jackson) State Air Resources Board & Air Quality Regulations | Failed |
AB 1864 (Connolly) Restrictions for Pesticide Use near Schools | Signed into Law |
AB 1866 (Hart) Idle Oil Well Cleanup | Signed into Law |
AB 1889 (Friedman) Wildlife and Habitat Connectivity: Room to Roam Act | Signed into Law |
AB 1963 (Friedman) Paraquat Dichloride Prohibition | Signed into Law |
AB 1992 (Boerner) Ocean Carbon Sequestration: Blue Carbon | Vetoed |
AB 2050 (Pellerin) Joining the Voter Electronic Registration Information Center – ERIC | Failed |
AB 2079 (Bennett) Groundwater High-Capacity Water Wells | Failed |
AB 2086 (Schiavo) Transparency in Transportation Funding Public Dashboard | Signed into Law |
AB 2127 (Berman) Extending the California New Motor Vehicle Program Task Force | Signed into Law |
AB 2196 (Connolly) Beaver Restoration | Signed into Law |
AB 2201 (Addis) Toxic Air Care Products | Failed |
AB 2208 (Zbur) California Ports and Offshore Wind Infrastructure Bond Act of 2024 | Failed |
AB 2316 (Gabriel) Prohibiting Toxic Substances in School Food | Signed into Law |
AB 2318 (Papan) State Water Pollution Cleanup and Abatement Account Report | Signed into Law |
AB 2320 (Irwin) Wildlife Connectivity and Climate Adaptation Act of 2024 | Failed |
AB 2329 (Muratsuchi) Establishing the California Affordable Decarbonization Authority | Failed |
AB 2331 (Gabriel) Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosures | Failed |
AB 2346 (Lee) Organic Waste Reduction and Organic Waste Products | Signed into Law |
AB 2401 (Ting) Clean Cars 4 All | Vetoed |
AB 2427 (McCarty) Permitting Curbside Electric Vehicle Charging Stations | Signed into Law |
AB 2440 (Reyes) 30×30: Partnering State Agencies and Outdoor Access | Signed into Law |
AB 2448 (Jackson) Riverside County Electric Vehicle Economic Opportunity Zone | Vetoed |
AB 2454 (Lee) Rental Property Water Testing | Signed into Law |
AB 2480 (Garcia) Zero-emission School Bus Replacement Grants | Failed |
AB 2487 (Fong, M.) Deputy Secretary for Climate & Green Jobs Portal | Failed |
AB 2491 (Lee) Cosmetic Product Safety | Failed |
AB 2509 (Kalra) Invasive Species Council of California | Signed into Law |
AB 2513 (Pellerin) Gas Stove Warning Labels | Vetoed |
AB 2515 (Papan) Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Menstrual Products | Signed into Law |
AB 2535 (Bonta) Invest in Clean Air Act: Limiting Highway Expansion | Failed |
AB 2537 (Addis) Offshore Wind and Coastal Resources Protection Program | Vetoed |
AB 2552 (Friedman) Regulating Pesticides & Rodenticides | Signed into Law |
AB 2560 (Alvarez) Chipping Away at the California Coastal Act of 1976 | Failed (pro-environment) |
AB 2600 (Calderon) Urban Forestry & Grants for School Greening Projects | Failed |
AB 2627 (Pellerin) Voter & Civic Education in Schools | Failed |
AB 2642 (Berman) Elections Intimidation: PEACE Act | Signed into Law |
AB 2648 (Bennett) Sustainable Purchasing: Single-use Plastic Bottles | Failed |
AB 2655 (Berman) Defending Democracy from Deepfake Deception Act of 2024 | Signed into Law |
AB 2666 (Boerner) Utilities Rate of Return | Signed into Law |
AB 2671 (Weber) Filtered Water Requirements for Home Daycares | Failed |
AB 2684 (Bryan) Safety from Extreme Heat | Signed into Law |
AB 2716 (Bryan) Low-Producing Oil Well Accountability | Signed into Law |
AB 2839 (Pellerin) Deceptive Media in Elections Advertisements | Signed into Law |
AB 2847 (Addis) Utility Companies Capital Expenditures Requirements for Cost Recovery | Signed into Law |
AB 2851 (Bonta) Metal Shredding Facilities: Fence-line Air Quality Monitoring | Signed into Law |
AB 2870 (Muratsuchi) Low Carbon Fuel Standard | Failed |
AB 2875 (Friedman) No Net Loss of Wetlands | Signed into Law |
AB 3020 (Reyes) 2-1-1 Infrastructure Act | Failed |
AB 3023 (Papan) Wildfire and Forest Resilience Task Force & Interagency Coordination Strategies | Vetoed |
AB 3070 (Bonta) School Buildings Construction Plans & Climate Change | Failed |
AB 3090 (Maienschein) Drinking Water Standards & Emergency Notification Plan | Signed into Law |
AB 3121 (Petrie-Norris) Removing Funding from Energy Efficiency Incentive Programs | Failed (pro-environment) |
AB 3136 (Reyes) Bureau of Environmental Justice | Failed |
AB 3153 (Dixon) Unnecessary Exemption from Boat Air Quality Rules | Failed (pro-environment) |
AB 3155 (Friedman) Liability of Oil Companies | Failed |
AB 3177 (Carrillo, W.) Mitigation Fee Act & Vehicular Traffic Impacts from Land Dedications | Signed into Law |
AB 3192 (Muratsuchi) Major Coastal Resorts: Waste Audits | Failed |
AB 3233 (Addis) The Local Environmental Choice and Safety Act | Signed into Law |
AB 3246 (Garcia) Exemption for Advanced Reconductoring Transmission Projects | Failed |
AB 3258 (Bryan) Refinery and Chemical Plants | Signed into Law |
ACA 16 (Bryan) The California Green Amendment | Failed |
SB 59 (Skinner) Battery Electric Vehicle Bidirectional Charging | Signed into Law |
SB 219 (Wiener) Stopping Delays to Major Climate Corporate Accountability Laws (SB 253/SB 261) | Signed into Law |
SB 559 (Min) Offshore Drilling Leases | Failed |
SB 597 (Glazer) Building Standards & Rainwater Catchment Systems | Signed into Law |
SB 615 (Allen) Electric Vehicle Battery Recycling | Vetoed |
SB 674 (Gonzalez) Refinery Air Pollution Transparency and Reduction Act | Vetoed |
SB 675 (Limón) Local Assistance Grant Program & Prescribed Grazing | Signed into Law |
SB 707 (Newman) Responsible Textile Recovery Act of 2024 | Signed into Law |
SB 867 (Allen) Climate Bond | Signed into Law |
SB 903 (Skinner) Environmental Health Product Safety & PFAS | Failed |
SB 934 (Gonzalez) Zero-emission Freight Infrastructure & Interagency Coordination Reports | Failed |
SB 938 (Min) Prohibiting Utilities from Using Ratepayer Dollars for Lobbying | Failed |
SB 960 (Wiener) Complete Streets and Transit Priority Policies | Signed into Law |
SB 972 (Min) Methane Emissions & Organic Waste in Landfills | Vetoed |
SB 1003 (Dodd) Electricity & Wildfire Mitigation | Failed |
SB 1006 (Padilla) Electricity Transmission Capacity & Grid-Enhancing Technologies | Signed into Law |
SB 1036 (Limón) Cleaning up Voluntary Carbon Offsets | Failed |
SB 1060 (Becker) Property Insurance Underwriting & Risk Models | Failed |
SB 1091 (Menjivar) School Facilities & Accessible Path of Travel Requirements for Projects | Signed into Law |
SB 1095 (Becker) Cozy Homes Cleanup Act – Building Standards & Gas Burning Appliances | Failed |
SB 1101 (Limón) Prescribed Fire for Wildfire Prevention & State Contracts | Signed into Law |
SB 1142 (Menjivar) Utilities Restoration & Termination of Services | Signed into Law |
SB 1143 (Allen) Paint Products Stewardship Program | Signed into Law |
SB 1147 (Portantino) Microplastics Levels in Drinking Water | Signed into Law |
SB 1148 (Blakespear) Electrical Service & Master Meters | Failed |
SB 1152 (Limón) Fire Safety Regulations & Lithium-based Battery Systems | Signed into Law |
SB 1174 (Min) Preventing Unnecessary Voter Identification Laws | Signed into Law |
SB 1178 (Padilla) California Water Quality and Public Health Protection Act | Failed |
SB 1182 (Gonzalez) Master Plan for Healthy, Sustainable, and Climate-Resilient Schools | Vetoed |
SB 1185 (Niello) Water Conservation & Water Use Objectives | Failed (pro-environment) |
SB 1193 (Menjivar) Phasing Out Leaded Jet Fuel | Signed into Law |
SB 1208 (Padilla) Water Discharge Permits & Landfills | Failed |
SB 1221 (Min) Neighborhood Decarbonization Act | Signed into Law |
SB 1255 (Durazo) Public Water Systems & Ratepayer Assistance Program | Failed |
SB 1259 (Niello) California Environmental Quality Act & Judicial Review | Failed (pro-environment) |
SB 1304 (Limón) Underground Injection Control & Aquifer Exemptions | Signed into Law |
SB 1321 (Wahab) Employment Training Panel | Signed into Law |
SB 1325 (Durazo) Public Contracts & Best Value Goods Procurement | Failed |
SB 1332 (Allen) The Conservation Stewardship Endowment Fund | Failed |
SB 1337 (Gonzalez) Referendum Funding Transparency | Vetoed |
SB 1340 (Smallwood-Cuevas) Public Contracting and Living Wage Jobs | Signed into Law |
SB 1375 (Durazo) Equity, Climate Resilience and Quality Jobs Fund for Workforce Training | Vetoed |
SB 1393 (Niello) Advanced Clean Fleets Regulation Appeals Advisory Committee | Failed (pro-environment) |
SB 1402 (Min) 30×30 Natural Resources & Land Management Policies | Failed |
SB 1420 (Caballero) Fossil Fuel Hydrogen | Signed into Law (anti-environment) |
SB 1497 (Menjivar) Polluters Pay Climate Cost Recovery Act | Failed |
SJR 12 (Min) Fossil Fuel Leases & Bankruptcy | Signed into Law |
SJR 16 (Padilla) The Chuckwalla, Joshua Tree, and Kw’tsán National Monuments | Signed into Law |
SJR 17 (Allen) The Sáttítla National Monument | Signed into Law |
ABX2-8 (Gipson) Delay on At-Berth Requirements for Clean Air in Port Communities | Failed (pro-environment) |
AB 1122 (Bains) Commercial Harbor Craft Equipment | Failed (pro-environment) |
* Linked bills above are used to determine legislators’ scores in addition to the overall California score